There are many different credit cards and many different banks offering them. There are easy to get credit cards and then those credit cards that can be so hard you don't know why you would even apply. The thing about credit cards is that they can help or hinder your life. So when you are trying to obtain a credit card there are some things you should consider, especially regarding the easy to get credit cards. Some of the easy to get credit cards are for bad credit, no credit, or just easy to get because the card company feels they need more customers.
There are fees, interest rates, policies, terms and conditions, and other things you should think about. When you try for an easy to get credit card you are usually approved within twenty minutes. This is what makes them extremely easy to get. They will take the application you have just submitted and review your income to debt ratio. They will also access your credit history to determine the type of customer you will be. Once the risk is assessed they send an email or tell you on that same page that you have been approved and at what rate. This rate however may differ from the offer that enticed you in the first place. Since the card company doesn't know everyone's risk until they actually have an application they advertise to entice you to try for their card. This is not a bad thing. If you see a card offering 15% you are usually going to get near that APR. The rest of the advertisement will remain the same, such as 0% APR and Balance transfers for the first two months, or whatever the deal is.
\"Easy To Get Credit Cards\"
You should note that most easy to get credit cards have lax risk standards and therefore the interest rate is going to be a little higher than some that are easy to get. For example they assess your risk based on whether you will be responsible or whether you will default. So if they think you are a higher risk you are going to have a higher interest rate, but they still give you the card. For those that are harder to get they will flatly refuse because of the risk you pose and not offer a better interest rate.
Many of us think the easy to get credit cards are the best, and in truth they really are. The easy to get credit cards offer a card to almost anyone. Their standards are better as well. For instance you have posed a bit of a risk in the past, but you have had a good clean record with the easy to get credit card for the last year. In this case you could ask the card to lower your interest rate, and they usually will. With harder to get cards you are likely at that interest rate or going to have an increased rate over time that they are unwilling to work with for you.
Easy to Get Credit Cards
Oge Nwaozuzu writes about credit cards at fuel credit cards